In Memory of






Condolence From: Cynthia Dawn Brewer(Price)
Condolence: My Tribute to My Mom! One can never understand the depths of which mothers will go through for their children,Until are one! Like Children are a gift from God,So are you! My son one time spoke of how he was sitting on a fence with God before he was born into this world, He said"I am Glad that I chose you to be my mom." I asked him what he meant and he said that God said pick a woman to be your mom and he picked me. As Mystical and Dreamy as that sounded I believed in what he said. You taught me everything I know and some! I learned respect from you most of all. And Patience you must have had a lot for you were faced with many challenging things in Life! You were there for the Birth of My two oldest Children and held my hand when I was screaming and you never even got mad when I bit you during my pain. Mothers go to extreme lengths to protect their children, love them ,teach them and discipline them and at times we fought you tooth and nail.Everything I am today is because of everything you did well!I wrote you a long long letter and sent you pictures this year but it never got to you in time! I did how ever talk to you while you were still able to talk to me and I think in your own way that you were apologizing for anything you may have done or not done to rear me. I love you for all that you are which is what I said in my letter to you.So the Lord chose you to be my mom and although not everything was perfect all the time I am thankful for what you have given me in this life! Thank you for being my gift! I will miss you but you will be in my heart forever and i will continue to remind my children of all the Good things you did Love Cynthia
Monday January 19, 2009